I’ve written up a post about this recent ALF Weekend over on the ALF blog, you can see it here.
Month: October 2015
Mapping my ALF Accountability: What I do and want to do
Last fall at ALF Weekend 2014 we participated in a game where we wrote out what we did, what we have “juice” for, what we want to be doing, and what action we are taking to get there. We wrote these down then went around the room and spoke them out to our peers, then everyone would …
Organizing an ALF Weekend
ALF Weekend Fall 2015 is over, the work has been done, and now it is time to write some blog posts. I am doing a post in two parts focusing on the outcomes and the organization of the weekend. This post will cover how the weekend was organized, what worked, and what could have been …
ALC Network Cheat Sheet First Look
Would love some feedback on this, especially from new ALFs
Short Week in New York
It’s blogging time at ALCNYC and I thought I’d write down a little reflection about what I’ve been up to. CASA Consulting gig The big news was settling my first (perhaps the first) ALC consulting gig. A few weeks ago I got in contact with Jamaal from Cornerstone Academy for Social Action (CASA) Middle School in the …
Blogging on behalf of students
I wanted to write up a quick post about posting to this website. Sometimes we, as facilitators, help our students publish their blogs. Maybe they write them in a text document and ask us to perform the technical task of publishing them or perhaps we type as they dictate. However it happens here is a …
ALF Integration Path First Look
We’ve been discussing ALF membranes recently. With the ALF website coming online and the network growing, being able to define who is an ALF and what kind of ALF they are is getting to be increasingly important. At it’s base there is a need to validate and recognize that people understand and embody our roots, principles, and …