If you want other people to be able to edit pages on your site you first need to add them to your site and set their privileges to give them editing access.
Each user on your site is tied to their main user account, so if they have an account on the ALC site then you simply need to add their user name to your site and set their privileges.
Privileges give user account specific powers on your site. The Editor privilege allows the user to create, edit, and post to your site. You can read more about roles on the WordPress codex.
To add existing users (i.e. users who already have accounts on this site) you navigate to Users > Add New
From there you can add the existing user, just start typing their user name (for instance mine is drew as you can see in the subdomain of this blog’s URL) or their e-mail address.
The system will auto suggest once you put a few letters in.
If you want to add a new user that option is directly below. You would use this if you wanted to invite a non-ALC member to your site.
Be sure to set the role to the proper setting, I’m adding Abby as an editor so she can edit my existing posts:
Edit existing user’s roles
You might want to upgrade or downgrade someone’s role, to do this you simply find them under the Users list (click Users from the dashboard). Once you navigate to their user page you simply change the role and update.
You can also change their display name and some other options for them.
Learn more about how revision history works so you can better collaborate with your users.
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