I will be going to a conference this weekend called Platform Cooperativism. Here is the introduction from their website: The seeds are being planted for a new kind of online economy. For all the wonders the Internet brings us, it is dominated by an economics of monopoly, extraction, and surveillance. Ordinary users retain little control …
Category: Writings
My Schooling, My Education
What follows is my history of learning, schooling, and education. See Spot Run In my early years, I was sent to a Montessori school. Grades were mixed; 1st through 3rd occupied the same classroom. I remember an exercise were we wrote every number from 1 to 1000 in a grid of boxes. My math skills …
I’m not grouped by age
Adults lie. It’s not that we want to lie, no one wants to lie. We just–sometimes–feel like we have to. Let me ask you something. Aside from school can you name a single place where you are grouped by age? I think segregation by age sets the stage for the many lies of school. There was …
Failure is Cool
A few years ago I started to dabble in the collective housing and cooperative community scene, it’s something I’ve become really passionate about. As such I talk about it, a lot. When I speak to people about cooperative living, they often listen politely and then cite a failed situation—with a roommate or cumbersome decision-making process—as proof …