The Community Mastery Board (CMB) is a tool used during Change Up Meetings (∆-up). Change Up meetings are held in a regular cycle (once a week/month), and are used to bring awarenesses to the community and discuss what’s working or what needs to be “changed up” about community norms. Awarenesses and desired norms are then visualized and moved around the Board based on how well they are working and integrated into the community.
When discussing how to upgrade ALC Oahu’s CMB it was decided to make it digital. The tactile board was given up in exchange for the ease of access that an online system afforded the community. Because the ALC Oahu group only met three days a week it was hard to access the CMB in off time.
Converting the Board
Our first step was to to convert the physical CMB board. Me and a student took the sticky notes from the original board and converted them into cards. We ran into a technical limitation with Trello where on our physical board would stack implementations on end of awareness sticky notes Trello isn’t able to make two separate cards “attached”.
We got around this issue by creating cards with the awareness text first followed by an “I:” and the implementation idea.
As we converted sticky notes into digital Trello cards we found a number that we didn’t feel needed to be transferred over so we set those aside just in case anyone in the group felt they should be added to the board later.
Along with adding cards we also came up with some labels to help sort cards.
Respecting Each Other, Respecting Space, Responsibilities, Schedule. Trello allows users to filter the board by these tags, so if you want to only look at agreements around scheduling you can filter for just that tag.
Now that the CMB is digital anyone can view it, add comments to cards, and add awarenesses from anywhere. Each week at the ∆-Up meeting the Trello board is projected on the wall and used in the same process.