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First day in Hawaii


Landed in Honolulu the other night and went directly to my first day at ALC Oahu. Met @dyson, @adrianna, and Seamus along with @ninablanco and @mandyjayh. We drove out to Baby Makapu’u Beach and went snorkeling. Mandy lent me her mask and snorkel because the water is “too cold”. Lucky for me I did the Polar Bear swim at Coney Island last week while I was still in NYC, so the water felt completely nice and warm.

I saw a bunch of fish and some coral. Dyson and Adrianna helped me identify some of the fish. We also built a sand mountain which we later jumped on. My Ukulele sounded extra good on the beach, I think the wood knows that it’s home now.

Me and Nina after the beach.
Me and Nina after the beach.
Walking to ALC Oahu!
Walking to ALC Oahu!
Out front of the room I'm staying in.
Out front of the room I’m staying in.

The next day there was no school, ALC Oahu is only 3 days a week right now. So I walked over to the nearby university campus and then down to the health food store. Food prices in Hawaii are high due to—I assume—shipping costs. I looked around at a local coop called Kokua Market Natural Foods then to a vegetarian store called Down to Earth. I then popped into the local library and got my card!

Nina picked me up and we drove to Mandy’s house in Kailua to work. It was beautiful the whole drive over and on the way back we ran a bunch of errands. I got a rice cooker/steamer and some food.


Here’s a look at the little room I am currently staying in!

I cooked my first meal with the rice cooker, rice with steamed broccoli and red cabbage. Also had some pita chips with local honey, yummy!


So not a bad start at all! Got my bus pass as well and rode the bus to school this morning, I’m going out to take pictures of the awesome mural work around the neighborhood where ALC Oahu is.

Read more about my time in Hawaii at the ALC Oahu 2016 Debrief page.

Next Oahu Reflection Post →


  1. Linda Rasmussen says:

    Thanks for the tour of your “apartment”. Your mom and dad thought they had a small place in the basement of their house. It is enormous compared to your place. But who needs space indoors when you live in Hawaii. And you seem to have everything you need in one small “room” (closet?).

    Sounds like you are having fun! Only the best in 2016!

  2. Linda Rasmussen says:

    BTW – the music really made your new space seem even more impressive! It is amazing what music does to set the mood!

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