Our first Network News Call went very well. This post is a recap of the call, with links and all that fine stuff. If you missed the call, don’t worry, it’s available on YouTube! Watch below:
On the call was Anthony, Charlotte, Liam, Bear, Tomis, Rochelle, Art.
The Alliance for Self-Directed Education: Update
Jump to this section in video.
Brief summary of where we are at and what we are hoping to build.
How this intersects with ALC (#Duh, but to point out some specific things)
Tipping Points: the self-directed education experience (call to action)
Join the newsletter, share it with your ALC communities: http://self-directed.org
Notes: Tomis & a bunch of people are working on an ASDE
Putting together an online magazine to elevate the voices of people who are doing this in various places
Putting it out to ALC World: are there articles you’d like to write for a large magazine audience?
Sign up for the newsletter at http://self-directed.org
ALC Mosaic’s #OneCampus: Update
Jump to this section in video.
We find out a lot of important information in the next month.
If we need a fire system with sprinklers, costs could be severe. We are committed to making it work and need your support!
–How does this effect the ALC Network?
(ALC Hub: trainings and ongoing startup support…guest house idea)
ALF Calls update
Just to this section in video.
Most up-to-date info on calls: alf.agilelearningcenters.org/newbie
Contact liam@alc.network if you want to volunteer or have questions!
You can view the ALC Calendar at: http://agilelearningcenters.org/calendar
CH: Jamie
Mondays, 8:30pm – 9:30pm
Southeast Facil-Prac
CH: Nancy
2nd 4th Thursdays, 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Startups Facil-Prac
CH: ???
Tech Support Call
CH: Drew
3rd Tuesday, 8:00pm – 9:00pm
Next: Sept 20th
Ops Support Call
CH: Tomis
Every Other Thursday, 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Next: Sept 22nd
Agile Learning Parents Call
CH: Melissa
CH: Ryan
4th Monday of each Month, 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Network business update
Network Accountabilities spreadsheet
This call used to be report backs from Working Groups & decision-making.
This call is now just for announcements.
Network Biz WG has been formed for the decision-making group. CH is Art. Monthly accountabilities call to put forward work
Drew reads through the accountabilities spreadsheet.
I don’t think it makes sense to have read through this spreadsheet…
Presumably CH’s would have added cards about these if they had updates.
Startups WG Updates
Celebrate accomplishments from last month:
- Membership automation minimum viable product complete!
Goals for September:
- New Member Automation Complete: This means getting everything from sign-up & payment to automatically adding new members to Slack, the to Membership Directory & Map, etc)
- Harbor Pilot structures, web docs & pairings complete: Harbor Pilot’s will welcome new schools/projects into the Network & “pilot” them into basic familiarity with our tools & network structures. If you’re interested in this, email startups@alc.network! I will send out more information once the Membership Benefits are firmed up (since this will inform the type of piloting needed).
- All existing ALCs moved into new ALC Content Type: Thanks Drew for setting up the new Content Type! This keeps ALC Directory information on the website.
- Make explicit points of contact between all ALCs and Harbor Pilots/Account Managers: This will make visible who’s been checked in on by who, how often, & what support they need.
- Contact all Startup & Early Stage ALCs about Health Surveys
- Schedule & organize all ALC support calls
- Email startups@alc.network w/ questions
Windsor House Update
Old school
Needed to move because of earthquake
Now spread across several different locations
How to coordinate events, which kids are going where based on activities, staff, etc?
Met ALCs at AERO
Using tools to set intentions, create consistent culture, book rooms & locations, etc
Things have been going well!
School opens TOMORROW
Had some cool practice meetings that parents & kids have really enjoyed
Two other free schools in Oregon and SLC are probably going to start using ALC tools
Ashland OR will also be starting tomorrow after meeting ALCs at AERO — speed record for meet to startup 🙂
Cairo training report
Jump to this section in video.
Bear, Nariman, & organizers from 1-2 day workshops & presentations from November 2015 came together to put on a 12-day training 🙂 🙂
English language school gifted to trainers to use as needed
30 participants in 3-day foundation training & building community
5-day summer camp with 30 kids, went super well!
Great sharings, moving, powerful experiences, lots of positive feedback
Quotes from kids:
“I am doing everything I want!”
“I can’t believe everyone’s okay with everything I’m suggesting.”
“I’ve been to 100’s of nurseries and have never liked any of them. This is the best thing I’ve ever done in my life! I’m 9 years old and this is life.”
Then did 3-day launchpad at The Oasis (retreat): 5 ALCs starting up — space for young adults, integrated into a progressive arts college in Cairo, teen ALC, young ALC, camp for kids on a regular basis, 2 1-day/week parent-ALC co-ops
And then a bunch more I can’t type fast enough to get down…
Additional learnings about structuring trainings & workshops
Cairo as a learning city ^ ^ ^
Sandbox (pun bear?? 😉 — connecting resources & spaces to each other
Totes rad!!
Good accountabilities, relationships, & communication
PSA: Having an issue you can’t solve in your community? Try the ALC Culture Committee
Heartwood update
Open for 1 month
Have had 3 info sessions
Enrolled 2 new students
2-3 families with 2-4 students in the pipeline over the next month
Currently have 16 students
2 paid & 1 volunteer staff member (all full time)
In Clarkson Community Center ATM (temporary space, shared with other community projects, has been difficult)
heartwoodalc.org – info@heartwoodalc.org
Colorado Springs
3 teens Tuesday-Thursday
3 families collecting every Sunday for game night
First week went well
All founding parents & students were involved
Tampa Update
Heath has left ALC Tampa 🙁 🙁 🙁 due to misunderstandings & miscommunications
Bear has been in touch with Tampa & Heath
Take-away to share: It’s important to get a signed agreement that states your pay, housing, compensation expectations, and have communication agreements be a part of that.
Talk to us if something isn’t working! We can help
You can chat with Rochelle about Blueprint of WE as a way to set up relationship foundations IYI, rochelle@alc.network
Euro Tour Update
Bear has been talking to Marcus in Greece about organizing events there
Organizing tour w/ Alex & Pia for Euro in Jan/Feb
Mostly 3-hour presentations, sometimes weekend trainings (w/ one-day practicum with kids)
Reaching out to partners to map it out
You can connect w/ bear on this bear@alc.network
Twin Oaks
Drew, Rochelle, Liam, & Abe went to the Twin Oaks Communities Conference!
We did a workshop on Culture Creation, using the CMB & change-up to create intentional culture. 45 people came, Liam thinks it went well! We will publish about it soon.
Rochelle also taught a gameshifting workshop
Special thanks to @rochellehudson for taking notes!
Feedback? email drew@alc.network
Thank you Drew (and Rochelle for taking notes!) This is super helpful to stay connected and in flow 🙂