Now available on all ALC Network websites is a plugin I recently created called Slide Out Widget Drawer (Click here to download the latest .zip), all you need to do is activate it from your site’s plugins area. It’s a simple widget area that can be displayed by clicking a tab on the left edge of a site. You can see an example on my site, just look for the “donate” tab on the left. I’ve also implemented it on the main network site.
What’s really cool about the slider drawer is that you set the tab’s title using the title of the top most widget! On the Network site I used this feature along with the Display Widgets plugin to show different widgets to logged in users and normal users. So when you are not logged in you’ll see a “contact” tab, while logged in users see “support” tab.
Clicking the tab will reveal the widget area.
If you have any questions or find bugs please comment here, or if you’re really cool, submit a report to the project’s GitHub page.