1. NancyT says:

    I’ve been using Trello and that has been working for me – especially since I have it on my phone and that goes everywhere with me. I want to post a screen shot of my trello board but I don’t know how to leave a picture in the comments!!!

  2. NancyT says:

    And I LOVE this blog post. The sketchbook idea is super cool – I think that there are many students who’d rather something like that, especially if they are artistic.

  3. Alex says:

    This is nice!
    I started using a large plain folder as a kanban, but I struggled to keep it with me all the time. I’ve found Trello to be the most convenient solution too. Loved that you included the “owatta.” You into Japanese? I’m teaching a kid at ExAlt some Japanese. We should organize a Hangout around languages.

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