Earlier this year I visited Oahu Hawaii to support the now dormant ALC Oahu. You can read more about my time there in this detailed debrief.
Tag: ALF
Presenting Change Up at the Twin Oaks Communities Conference
Over Labor Day weekend, a small group of Agile Learning Facilitators attended the Twin Oaks Communities Conference in central Virginia to host a workshop titled Culture Hacking 101, covering the Agile Learning Center Change Up meetings and the Community Mastery Board. We wanted to share this ALC culture creation practice with people who work hard …
Getting the most out of Slack
If you’re doing network work with ALC you’re probably using the ALF Slack team. Slack is a wonderful service which provides a slick platform for teams to chat with each other (rather than email!). In this post I will link you do some great help pages that Slack offers then I’ll go over a strategy …
Upgrade: or why the network matters
Last year I left for the Pacific North West to support a community as an Agile Learning Facilitator. This was my first solo facilitation experience and also my first ever involvement in anything related to educating youth. Running off to the other side of the nation to do something I’d never done was scary and …
ALF Weekend Fall 2015 Debrief
I’ve written up a post about this recent ALF Weekend over on the ALF blog, you can see it here.
ALF Integration Path First Look
We’ve been discussing ALF membranes recently. With the ALF website coming online and the network growing, being able to define who is an ALF and what kind of ALF they are is getting to be increasingly important. At it’s base there is a need to validate and recognize that people understand and embody our roots, principles, and …
In the Flow, My Week in Reflection
What an amazing week! I’ve been in Asheville NC visiting the Endor ALC crew. I was housed by two amazing collective homes full of wonderful and amazing people who kept me well fed and in good company. I spent most of my time co-working with @liam and @rochellehudson which fueled one of my most productive weeks …
How do we make new ALFs and ALCs?
This weekend on the ALF Summer planning call we began talking about what the process for turning people into Agile Learning Facilitators (ALF) and how to establish schools as Agile Learning Centers (ALC). This post will cover my ideas on these two subjects which are, in my mind, related. I’m going to focus on three ideas. Trademark and protecting …
Slurchy Day
I woke up late and not many people were at the morning meeting. I felt tired and lame and didn’t want to do much of anything. I had stayed up too late last night watching netflix and not falling asleep. I need to hold fast to my personal agreement to not look at screens past …