A post that goes over blog category and tag best practices has been on my Kanban for a while now. The ALC Network website consists—primarily—as a network of member blogs publishing posts. Each post consists of a title, body (content), and metadata. Metadata is a fancy way of saying information about a post. We can add …
Tag: blogging
Blogging on behalf of students
I wanted to write up a quick post about posting to this website. Sometimes we, as facilitators, help our students publish their blogs. Maybe they write them in a text document and ask us to perform the technical task of publishing them or perhaps we type as they dictate. However it happens here is a …
Revision History on WordPress Posts
Collaboration is the name of the game inside ALC. We are all actively engaged in collaboratively building schools, community, and (importantly) documentation about such efforts. WordPress (the system this website is build on) offers great features for collaboration through it’s post editing process. I’d like to quickly share one powerful feature called revision history. I’m going …
Better Blogging Through Chemistry
The 21st century world demands the creation of visible, shareable value as evidence of learning. From Agile Learning Center Roots This monday the Facilitators across the ALC network gathered for our weekly video call. We got on the the topic of how to ALF so kids will blog. I’ve gathered some of the ideas we …
Intro to blogging
So I’ve been asked to do an online class on how to use the blogging platform here. I will post the video in a later post, for now I want to go over a simple function of the site. The “admin bar” and blogging So you want to blog* a bit on the site. Well let’s …