I wanted to write up a quick post about posting to this website. Sometimes we, as facilitators, help our students publish their blogs. Maybe they write them in a text document and ask us to perform the technical task of publishing them or perhaps we type as they dictate. However it happens here is a …
Tag: facilitation
Drew and Bear do the Communities Conference
I had the lovely honor of stuffing myself in a car with @bear (and some Point A collaborators) and driving down to Central Virginia to attend the Twin Oaks Communities Conference. The conference (or con as the cool kids say) brought together a number of intentional communities from around the world. It takes place each year at …
Rebel Beach Bingo! Opening Group Game
I went out to an event for Flood the System last night in New York City. Flood the System is a decentralized group of activist organizations that are seeking to form action councils to coordinate actions across the world. You can check out this presentation that was shared last night. I want to talk about an awesome …